52 Weeks of Life Seen Through My Eyes

Ida's Photo Theme Challenge


20. Interpretation Of Art

I have envied friends who have been able to attend the Chalk Festival that has been held in Sarasota in past years, knowing it is an event I would delight in. You can imagine my excitement when I found out the festival was going to be held in Venice this year during the time I would be in Sarasota.

And so I found myself wandering down a quaint street in Venice, Florida with a friend, eagerly observing artists plying their craft, embracing every color of the rainbow to create gorgeous, brilliant chalk art. They sat for hours in the hot sun using different techniques to apply vivid color to the paved surface of the road, painstakingly adding color upon color for our enjoyment. The theme for the 2014 event is “Extinct and Endangered Animals”. What a wonderful treat to see these marvelous works of art unfolding before us and coming alive. The reflected light in the animals’ and people’s eyes is remarkable, making many admirers comment on their magnetism.



43. Solitary

Once again I’m vacillating between 2 photographs that are both appropriate for “Solitary”. Seeing I kept procrastinating, Mindy said I should use both as I am suffering from “paralysis by analysis”! No more hemming and hawing…

Like many people, I sigh and gasp at the sight of beautiful sunsets and the brilliant colors they paint across the heavens. The first photo was taken a block from our house after asking my husband to drive me around while I photographed the ever-so-lovely sunset. I spotted this denuded tree standing alone in the fields.

The second photo was taken at the Ringling Causeway in Sarasota, Florida while visiting Mindy…I know, I know, another sunset picture… There were several people who walked past this solitary grey heron perched at the top of a lamppost without noticing it.

And there you have it: two solitary living things, one in Panama, one in Florida, both against a blushing sky.

IMG_8871 (2)



27. Musical

While strolling around the upscale Multiplaza Mall in Panama City, it was difficult to miss the pianist at the grand piano. We stopped to listen to the melodic sounds that mingled with footsteps and chatter. While watching the pianist’s fingers stroke the keys, clearly enjoying his craft as he entertained shoppers, I suddenly remembered there was a musical theme on the challenge list. I dug in my purse for my camera and asked the pianist if I could take a photograph. He smiled broadly and said, “Of course!” and of course I used it for this theme.



38. Selfie

I had all sorts of ideas for this one, but, under pressure, I’ve given up and taken the old reflection-in-the-mirror photograph. The saving grace in this less than creative idea is the reflection of my reflection in the beveled edge of the mirror. If it looks a little blurred, you should have your eyes checked! Just kidding…At least this is one step closer to catching up with the challenges!

a glimpse of me for you


29. On Two Wheels

While out playing in Sarasota, I noticed this decorated bicycle on the sidewalk. I loved the bright colors and the whimsical feel of this artistic piece with a construction sight in the background. Although it was somewhat challenging to take the photo (standing on a fairly busy street can be challenging!), I was determined to get this cycle from both sides. And so you have it: baskets and flowers “On Two Wheels”.

